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Member Profiles

From a verified user system to custom fields, your members profiles are a feature rich space that allows each member to share who they are and all the content they produce and interact with.

Member Profiles Overview
  • 1. Verified System
    If you chose to activate the verified members system, verified profiles have an elevated design as compared to standard profiles.
  • 2. Custom Fields
    Create custom fields to customize members profiles to the context of your community and allow members to get to know each other better.
  • 3. Posts Feed
    Whenever a member creates a piece of content, it gets published to their Posts Feed on their profile.
  • 4. Activity Feed
    Whenever a member interacts with a piece of content in the community, that activity gets posted to their Activity Feed on their profile.
  • 5. About Section
    Every profile has an "About" section where each member can share and learn more about each other. Standard information, like Bio and groups, and custom field information display here.
  • 6. Following & Follower Lists
    Displayed in the profile header are a members following and follower lists.
  • 7. Edit Profile & Settings
    Members can edit all of their profile art and information at any time as well as customize their experience with your app through settings.
With Honeycommb you get a team of highly skilled people that continuously supports and improves the entire platform - like the feature above!

Get started launching your own Honeycommb custom social network now.